AI quiz maker from PDF

Upload your PDF and generate 100s exam
quizzes to practice for your next exam

How an AI Quiz maker from PDF works

Image that shows how to upload a PDF on an AI Quiz Maker

From PDF to quiz in seconds

You can upload PDFs of any study domain and language (dende works with +100 languages).
Then wait a few seconds to create a learning journey based on your study notes.

Exract key concepts from your PDF

Understand the main concepts to learn before your exam – all of them have quizzes to review.
As you review, you can see the progress for each of them and focus on the part of your PDF you don’t remember.
Image of key concepts extracted by the AI Quiz Maker from PDF
Image of the questions generated by the AI Quiz Maker from you PDF

Get 100s of quizzes from your PDF with explanations

Understand what you get wrong and stimulate your critical thinking with immediate feedback and explanations.
The more you answer, the more the understanding of your PDF increase

Get the most out of
an AI quiz maker

Filter questions from specific parts of your PDF

Search explanations in your PDFs in 1 click

Take advantage of spaced repetition to better memorize

Why an AI quiz maker from PDF is different from ChatGPT

Using an AI quiz maker to study can transform your ability to learn concepts and prepare for exams.

An AI quiz maker that generates questions from your PDF allows you to rely on a study guide that takes you to revise all the important concepts without you to worry to leave anything behind.

In fact, an AI quiz maker generates questions considering only the information contained in your PDF and not taken from the web.

How to add an AI quiz maker to your study routine

The best way to incorporate an AI quiz maker into your study routine is to consistently upload your study notes whenever you have it.
Review your questions at the end of each lesson or after completing a chapter of your textbook.

This way you can keep track of your progress and avoid cramming a few days before the exam.

The same way you create questions, you can create automatic flashcards to apply active recall easily.

Generate +100s of quizzes from your study notes