AI flashcard maker
from your study notes

Use an AI flashcard maker to create
custom flashcards in seconds.

How to use an AI flashcard maker

Image of file upload on an AI quiz maker

Turn notes into flashcards

Upload your study notes on dende to create custom flashcards in seconds.
dende generates automatic flashcards in +100 languages and for any subject

Review your AI flashcards easily

It’s now time to review your custom flashcards extracted from your own notes.
Try to reply to the question or try to guess the definition of the term on the front side – then click on the flashcard to flip the correct answer.
As you review your flashcards, dende optimizes the frequency to help your memory. You can also use the filer widget to focus on flashcards from specific parts of your notes.

What is the powerhouse of the cell?

The mitochondria.

They are responsible for producing the majority of a cell’s supply of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which provides the cell with energy and powers important cellular processes. This is why they are often referred to as the “powerhouses” of the cell.
A study guide with key concepts created by an AI quiz maker

Learn more concepts in less time with spaced practice

Use an AI flashcard maker to take advantage of the spaced repetition algorithm.
With the spaced practice you will see the flashcards with a frequency that let your brain absorb the concepts and recall it easily.
So to memorize it when you need it the most.

Get the most out of
an AI flashcard maker

Filter flashcards from specific parts of your notes

Save time to create flashcards manually

Start using spaced practice to improve your grades

Why an AI flashcard generator is better than doing manually

Save time to create custom flashcards

Using an AI flashcard maker to create personalized flashcards mean that you can save hours of work in creating double sided flashcards.

You can use this extra time to review more flashcards or replying questions using our AI quiz maker feature.

How to use AI flashcards in your study routine

Review your flashcard day by day
Once you have some study notes from your lectures or study book, go straight on dende and upload them.
Review your custom flashcards for 30 minutes everyday untill the day of your exam.
Never miss important concepts

An AI quiz generator is built to extract all the most important concepts from your notes and create high quality flashcards.

When you do manually, especially after hours of work, you will tend to miss some passages of your study material.

With dende you are sure to have a trustable study guide that helps you in your learning process.

Study on the go and avoid cramming
The AI flashcard can be revised also on your mobile when you go to university or you have some dead moments.
Take advantage everytime you can to open dende and learn some new flashcards.

This is a powerful strategy to progress in your exam preparation consistently and avoid cramming before the exam day.

Generate +100s of quizzes from your study notes